
a while back, i had this dream
i was in my house
standing by the window,
watching as the flood approached
it was a silent wave
beautifully still
at least when my eyes were open
but when i blinked (i think my dreamself does so)
it moved unperceptively closer
if you've seen a wave in real life
i don't think you realize how big it is until you're caught in it
and even the impact was tranquil
not painless
but a relief?
the glass shattered
the water took me away
i don't remember what happened exactly after
but i remember being not in my body
i was not flying, but afloat in the air above
it was like playing a 3d mario game, weirdly
if the controls were unresponsive, trying to kill you
and you had no choice but to keep using them
i gazed upon the world and it was all ocean
endless rain
just me
and a final platform, like a menhir
amid the barren waters
i wasn't in my body yet, but i was falling slowly
mashing the buttons, the thumbsticks
but i never reached the monolith
maybe it was moving further away
carried by the wind
or maybe it was me
and i wasn't moving
kept in my bodyless stupor
when i lived with my parents
i knew this spot about five or ten minutes away
a dead-end road, but you could keep going
you walked alongside a creek, and eventually
the path deposited you
where rocks arose from the water, letting you cross
stout stone pillars in the stream accompanied you
they were like obelisks, and i never found out who built them or why
but if you kept following the trail on the other side
it was like a dead city:
a moss-reclaimed edifice of stone brick
no door, a few windows
damp, dark, an empty firepit
locked wooden cabins
next to ponds where you can only see algae
what are the locks protecting?
who are they protecting it from?
i never knew
benches, alone
arranged in a semi-circle
i did sit there once with a friend
a place to rest from the decay
branching paths
it was hard to see where they were going
but they seemed to go in circles
eventually you'd come out of the woods into a parking lot
and there was a sign that told you
you were on a "nature trail"
it used to be for horses, but they are gone now
it's just you
unless it had recently rained
the waters rise, throw themselves on the rocks
drowning them, drowning you
i would always hope that the rain wasn't quite enough to make the bridge inaccessible
but it always was, and those stepping stones disappeared in the rapids
stranding me
the floods never broke the riverbanks
but they kept you away
and they made you turn back
keeping their secrets to themselves